Whilst every implementation is different, here are some common use cases that we deploy for our clients.

The onboarding process is still significantly impacted because customers must submit a host of trailing documents before the process can be completed. Our Customer Onboarding solution makes it easy for customers to submit documents, using their channel of choice, and dramatically improves the speed and efficiency of the internal processing of those documents.

We implement Advanced Document Capture solutions using the Ephesoft Transact platform. Transact automates the capture and digitisation of any type of document, auto-classifies every document, and extracts whatever data is required to populate line of business applications. The ROI for these projects is exceptional.

The onboarding process is still significantly impacted because customers must submit a host of documents before the process can be completed. Our Customer Onboarding solution makes it easy for customers to submit documents, using their channel of choice, and dramatically improves the speed and efficiency of the internal processing of those documents.

We implement Mailroom Automation solutions using Ephesoft’s Advanced Document Capture platform. This enables organisations to automatically classify, separate, sort and extract data from paper, fax and electronic documents. Business critical information is made available to internal business processes, customers and partners faster, at lower cost and with less errors.

The onboarding process is still significantly impacted because customers must submit a host of trailing documents before the process can be completed. Our Customer Onboarding solution makes it easy for customers to submit documents, using their channel of choice, and dramatically improves the speed and efficiency of the internal processing of those documents.

Invoice processing is a highly manual activity, with staff re-keying header and line item data into their accounting and/or AP systems. We have configured Ephesoft’s Advanced Document Capture platform to automatically identify invoices, extract all required data from them, and populate the backend accounting and AP systems. Processing costs and errors are much reduced.

Using a combination of Advanced Document Capture and our own purpose-built application, clients can automatically capture and extract line item data from remittance advices. The system matches the remittance with deposits and open invoices. Any transactions not auto-matched are handled manually, but the application makes this easy with all the required data available within the application.

Forget about having your staff re-key sales orders and PO line items into your ordering system. Our solution automates the entire process, with line item data from your customers’ orders and POs automatically extracted and input into your systems. The benefits – much lower processing costs, fewer errors and faster delivery times.